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JSON Error on GSTplus - Possible Solutions


Common errors in GSTR-1 filing on

Users are not putting the HSN master: Description and Items. This is the most common error.


issue_in message problem Suggested solutions
/b2cs/0/etin Must be at least 15 characters long minLength please check the ecommerce TIN of the party
/b2b/0/inv/0/etin Must be at least 15 characters long minLength please check the ecommerce TIN of the party
/b2b/0/inv/0/inum Does not match the regex pattern ^[a-zA-Z0-9-/]+$ pattern Ensure that there are only Alphabets, numbers and '/' or '\' in Invoices
/b2cl/0/pos Integer value found, but a string is required type Enter Place of Supply (POS) in b2cl
/doc_issue/doc_det/0/docs/0/from Does not match the regex pattern ^[a-zA-Z0-9-/]+$ pattern Check Invoice format. Ensure that there are only Alphabets, numbers and '/' or '\' in Invoices
/doc_issue/doc_det/0/docs/0/to Does not match the regex pattern ^[a-zA-Z0-9-/]+$ pattern Check Invoice format. Ensure that there are only Alphabets, numbers and '/' or '\' in Invoices
/hsn/data/0/desc Must be at least 1 characters long minLength Please enter description in HSN sheet
/hsn/data/0/hsn_sc Does not match the regex pattern ^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$ pattern Check HSN format.
/hsn/data/0/uqc Must be at least 1 characters long minLength Check Unit of Measurement of HSN in HSN sheet
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