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What services will be rendered by GSTN?


GSTN will render the following services through the Common GST Portal:

  1. Registration (including existing taxpayer master migration and issue of PAN based registration number);
  2. Payment management including payment gateways and integration with banking systems;
  3. Return filing and processing;
  4. Taxpayer management, including account management, notifications, information, and status tracking;
  5. Tax authority account and ledger Management;
  6. Computation of settlement (including IGST settlement) between the Centre and States; Clearing house for IGST;
  7. Processing and reconciliation of GST on import and integration with EDI systems of Customs;
  8. MIS including need based information and business intelligence;
  9. Maintenance of interfaces between the Common GST Portal and tax administration systems;
  10. Provide training to stakeholders;
  11. Provide Analytics and Business Intelligence to tax authorities; and
  12. Carry out research, study best practices and provide training to the stakeholders.
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