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What are the inclusions specified in Section 15(2) which could be added to Transaction Value?


The inclusions specified in Section 15(2) which could be added to Transaction Value are as follows:

  1. Any amounts paid by recipient that are obligation of supplier to pay;
  2. Money value of goods or services provided free or at concession by recipient;
  3. Royalties and license fees payable by recipient as a condition of supply;
  4. Taxes levied under any other law(s) (other than SGST / CGST or IGST);
  5. Expenses incurred by supplier before supply and charged separately;
  6. Subsidy realized by supplier on the supply;
  7. Reimbursements claimed separately by supplier;
  8. Discounts allowed ‘after’ supply except when known before supply; (Discounts allowed as normal trade practice and reflected on the face of the invoice shall not be included).
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