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148. Exempted goods returned to the place of business on or after the appointed day


Where any goods on which duty had been exempt under the earlier law at the time of removal thereof, not being earlier than six months prior to the appointed day, are returned to any place of business on or after the appointed day, no tax shall be payable thereon if such goods are returned to the said place of business within a period of six months from the appointed day and such goods are identifiable to the satisfaction of the proper officer:

Provided that tax shall be payable by the person returning the goods if the said goods are liable to tax under this Act and are returned after a period of six months from the appointed day.

                                                                                                                            (CGST Law)

Where any goods on which tax had been exempt under the earlier law at the time of sale thereof, not being earlier than six months prior to the appointed day, are returned to any place of business on or after the appointed day, no tax shall be payable thereon if such goods are returned to the said place of business within a period of six months from the appointed day and such goods are identifiable to the satisfaction of the proper officer:

Provided that tax shall be payable by the person returning the goods if the said goods are liable to tax under this Act and are returned after a period of six months from the appointed day.

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