Where any excisable goods manufactured in a factory had been removed without payment of duty for carrying out tests or any other process not amounting to manufacture, to any other premises, whether registered or not, in accordance with the provisions of earlier law prior to the appointed day and such goods, after undergoing tests or any other process (herein after referred to as the “said goods”) are returned to the said factory on or after the appointed day, no tax shall be payable if the said goods are returned to the said factory within six months from the appointed day:
Provided that the aforesaid period of six months may, on sufficient cause being shown, be extended by the competent authority for a further period of two months:
Provided further that tax shall be payable by the person returning the said goods if such goods are liable to tax under this Act and are returned after a period of six months or the extended period, as the case may be, from the appointed day:
Provided also that the manufacturer may, in accordance with the provisions of the earlier law, transfer the said goods from the said other premises on payment oftax in India or without payment of tax for exports within six months or the extended period, as the case may be, from the appointed day.
(CGST Law)
Where any goods had been despatched from the place of business without payment of tax for carrying out tests or any other process, to any other premises, whether registered or not, in accordance with the provisions of earlier law prior to the appointed day and such goods, after undergoing tests or any other process (herein after referred to as the “said goods”) are returned to the said place of business on or after the appointed day, no tax shall be payable if the said goods are returned to such place within six months from the appointed day:
Provided that the aforesaid period of six months may, on sufficient cause being shown, be extended by the competent authority for a further period not exceeding two months:
Provided further that tax shall be payable by the person returning the said goods if such goods are liable to tax under this Act and are returned after a period of six months or the extended period, as the case may be, from the appointed day:
Provided also that the person despatching the goods may, in accordance with the provisions of the earlier law, transfer the said goods from the said other premises on payment of tax in India or without payment of tax for exports within six months or the extended period, as the case may be, from the appointed day.
(SGST Law)