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Amendment to GST Registration - Non Core fields


Amendment to GST Registration - Non Core fields

Amendment to Non core fields in GST registration does not require approval of any Tax Officer or visiting the Tax Department. In other words, it is automatically approved without any need of processing by the Tax Officer.

Amendment in Non Core fields means amendment in the details of Authorised Signatory, Telephone Number, Email ID, details of partner, karta etc.

The procedure for the amendment of Non Core fields is as follows:

  1. Login to the GST Portal with valid User ID and password.
  2. Under Services tab, click Registration → Amendment to Registration Non - Core Fields.image1.png
  3. The application for change is displayed and Non Core fields are available in editable form.image2.png
  4. Select the appropriate tab which you want to change / amend.
  5. After doing changes, click on Verification Tab.
  6. Select the Authorized Signatory from the drop down.
  7. Enter the Place.
  8. After the application is filled, you have to digitally sign the application using DSC or EVC.


A message will be displayed showing that the submission is successful.

You will receive an Acknowledgement within 15 minutes on registered Email ID and Mobile number. Also the email and message containing ARN and intimation about successful filing of application form for Amendment in Non Core fields will be sent to Primary Authorized Signatory.

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