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Detailed step by step guide to reconcile GSTR-2A purchase details


Step by step guide to reconcile your GSTR-2A data as per GST portal and your Purchase Register, using GSTplus Reconciliation utility.


1) Visit and download GSTR-2A Reconciliation Excel from downloads section.


2) Start the excel and fill in the Organisation details in first sheet to start.


3) Copy and paste your GSTR-2A B2B data as it is (from GST portal) in ‘B2B from GSTN’ sheet of this utility.


4) Update your purchase details in the ‘Your Purchase Register‘ sheet.


5) Right Click and hit ‘Reconcile Now’ button to reconcile your data.


6) Reconciliation report will be displayed in the Reco sheet. Click on link to locate the error position.mceclip0.png


7) Hover on the error cell marked in red to know the suggestion. Click on the cell to see the corresponding cell in other sheet.mceclip2.png

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